2024-25 Travel Team Tryouts
Evaluations for the 2025-26 Travel teams will begin the week of April 14th. Registration will be open for players born between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2018. Each age level will have two tryout sessions. Players must come to at least one tryout session but it is highly recommended that they attend both. If your player cannot attend both sessions please let the Travel Director, Chris Deisler, know via
Registration is open.
Click here to register now.
The tryout schedule is based on birth year. Children currently playing with teams that do not match their birth year (i.e. playing up) should register under their birth year and indicate the team they are on when completing the registration form so that they can be placed in the correct tryout group.
Our goal is to place as many players as possible while creating competitive, balanced Travel teams. That said, it is not always possible to find roster space for every interested player. All prospective Travel players will be informed of their status by the 15th of May.
The evaluation dates are set. Changes have been highlighted in yellow.
Gender/Age Group - Dates and Times (dates subject to change)
Boys born in 2017 and 2018 - Monday, April 14, and Monday, April 21, from 6-7:30pm
Girls born in 2017 and 2018 - Monday, April 14, and Monday, April 21, from 6-7:30pm
Boys born in 2016 - Wednesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 23, from 6-7:30pm
Girls born in 2016 - Monday, April 14, and Monday, April 21, from 6-7:30pm
Boys born in 2015 - Tuesday, April 15, and Tuesday, April 22, from 6-7:30pm
Girls born in 2015 - Tuesday, April 15, and Tuesday, April 22, from 6-7:30pm
Boys born in 2014 - Tuesday, April 15, and Tuesday, April 22, from 6-7:30pm
Girls born in 2014 - Tuesday, April 15, and Tuesday, April 22, from 6-7:30pm
Boys born in 2013 - Monday, April 14, and Monday, April 21, from 6-7:30pm
Girls born in 2013 - Wednesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 23, from 6-7:30pm
Boys born in 2012 - Wednesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 23, from 6-7:30pm
Girls born in 2012 - Wednesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 23, from 6-7:30pm
Boys born in 2011 - Thursday, April 17, and Thursday, April 24, from 6-7:30pm
Girls born in 2011 - Thursday, April 17, and Thursday, April 24, from 6-7:30pm
Boys born in 2008, 2009, and 2010 - Thursday, April 17, and Thursday, April 24, from 6-7:30pm
Girls born in 2008, 2009, and 2010 - Thursday, April 17, and Thursday, April 24, from 6-7:30pm
Rain Dates - Friday, April 18, and Friday, April 25, from 6-7:30pm
Players should wear shin guards and cleats to all tryout sessions. They should also bring a water bottle and an appropriately sized ball (size 4 for players born between 2017-2013, and size 5 for players born in 2012 or earlier).
Any questions should be sent to the Travel Director, Christian Deisler at
[email protected] .